Malleable Despond
1 min readNov 27, 2021


VelociCoaster’s Insomnia

At the theme parks with my family and nostalgic memories of when you were mine start to appear into my head.

My dad rode the new rollercoaster with me and although he was scared shitless at first, the smile he gave afterwards gave me reassurance that he wasn’t going to pass out.

Small talks with strangers but all of them seem mundane when they are not the sounds of your voice or the listening of your ears. Tears run down my face reading the letter you wrote, wishing my existence could extend to yours. Knowing as days go by, the sounds of the strangers will be the reason I know I chose right. Choosing you but letting you be free with those wings I saw from the start. Go on darling. Live free. One day I hope the mountains will be waiting for us to meet. You hear that? Those are the taps of the little ones that we always dreamed to have. Seems to distant from now, but with each letter I write it doesn’t seem so far.

Waiting at the line of Harry Potter but this castle doesn’t seem the same without its Queen there to laugh. Oh, what a beautiful sight. The way she dances with rhythm that defines each of my nights.

