Malleable Despond
3 min readDec 13, 2021


Infinity and it’s Sub-components

Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves… Live the questions now. Perhaps you will gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer. -Rainer Maria Rilke, Letter to a Young Poet

Reality at times can be overwhelming. Why? Humans were given a gift but depending on how it’s internalized it can become a curse. Your brain has unconsciously, through generations of evolution, defined the infinite amount of components made through matter in identifying a certain object, person, or thing. The bed you use to sleep at night is composed to the things we are able to see, at a first glance. For example, the bed frame, headboard, mattress, fitted sheet, top sheet, pillowcases, a comforter, and/or blanket are the components that make a traditional bed. Yet, each individual material is made up of other sub-components, which then those are then made up of other sub-components. They all work together to fit a certain pattern that will consistently reproduce what we call a bed. Now, take this pattern and compare it to something more abstract, say, interacting with another human being. They say that the first interaction between strangers is what defines the foundation of the image that each of them holds for one another. Before you begin a conversation with a stranger many things can come to mind. Including, but not limited to, our past, our surrounding environment, our unconscious bias to who we think the person might be depending on their looks, and how we ourselves identify as a human being. Yet, the sounds and facial expressions that are being introduced in that first encounter went through many different processes of selection to produce what we call the present. However, one may ask, are we in control of that? Each of the processes our brain filters has a foundation based on the environment and perception to which we were developed. Yet, not been able to dictate our type of upbringing. It simply just is. Meaning, there are certain things out of our control, we’ll call this what the collective dictates. It influences us to become part of society, be productive human beings and play a part in the collective, by simultaneously dictating the things within your control. How is one able to know what is within your control when your Being is influenced by the collective? Having properly defined the things we see could be a good start. Each of our surroundings are made up of chaos and order. The balance between the collective and the individual. What is an individual able to do when confronted with chaos by the collective? We can speak to them as if they were strangers, to identify the infinite components, and filter out what has not worked in the past through trial and error and reproduce a solution that may fit the present. However, one is not able to succeed at this without the knowledge and suffering that failure entails. If not properly contended with your blessing can become a curse due to having an entropic attitude towards your mistakes. So, next time you talk to a stranger, merely remember that your mind is working in your favor but only if you allow it. Reality is not what is, but perceives through failures of successions that will mold your curse into a blessing.

